Demonstration of the first battery-electric truck with retrofitted pantograph system

On August 20th 2024, we presented Maja“, the worlds first batteryelectric truck with a retrofitted pantograph system, on the Siemens eHighway test track in Groß Dölln. Project participants from the associated partners DAF Trucks N.V. and Siemens as well as representatives of the project administrator VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH were able to inspect the first prototype of our BEE project and experience it during a demonstration drive on the test track under the overhead catenary line.

Following the successful commissioning and acceptance of the overall system and the first test drives on the eHighway test track, the next step will be to subject the first prototype to the necessary certification tests to obtain road approval. Comprehensive testing within the German overhead catenary line field trials is then planned in order to assess the system’s suitability for practical use in real road traffic.